Glory of God - Kayode (Part 1)

Because He Lives - Debbyshine (Official Full Video)

Near the Cross In the Cross - Debbyshine Chorus

Debbyshine - Bigger than all my Problems

Victory - Eben (Cover by DebbyShine)

Heaven Came Down

Evan and Eris - Glory

Standing on the Promises of God - Debbyshine Chorus

Debbyshine Chorus - Give me Oil in My Lamp

When I think of the Goodness of Jesus - Debbyshine Chorus

Are you Washed - Debbyshine Chorus

I Have a Father He will never Ever Fail me - Debbyshine

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

I have Decided to Follow Jesus - Debbyshine

It is Well with my Soul - Debbyshine

I Love that man of Galilee - Debbyshine chorus


Draw Me Nearer blessed Lord - Debbyshine Chorus

I Surrender All to Thee